Description: Homeowners Finance Center is a full service mortgage broker for your home loans - purchase or refinance. The web site offers current interest rate, a list of featured loan programs, tutorial information about loans. Use the on line forms to contact Homeowners. Use online calculators an
d other tools to instantly compute your payments or compare different loans.
Description: The Indus Entrepreneurs is an organization formed by a group of
Keywords: business, entrepreneur, high tech, finance, forum, seminar, India, Indian, Silicon Valley, conference, marketing, non-profit
Title: The Indus Entrepreneurs
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: KLA Instruments Corporation HR Web Site
Description: Semiconductor production is one of the most complex manufacturing
Keywords: Semiconductor manufacturing equipment, yield enhancement, IC
Title: KLA Instruments Corporation HR Web Site
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Associated Foreign Exchange, Inc.
Description: Associated Foreign Exchange, Inc. has been offering its business
Keywords: money, exchange, currency,foreign, payments, forward, contracts, bank drafts, international wire transfers, rates
Title: Associated Foreign Exchange, Inc.
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Florida Mortgage Center
Description: A Complete Financing Center for people looking to purchase or refinance or relocate a home or business. Our services also include title preparation and insurances
Keywords: mortgages, home financing, mortgage lenders, home loans, florida, relocation, residential lending, real estate, mortgage brokers, commercial loans, lenders, homeowners insurances, interest rates, financing, title insurances, legal services
Title: Florida Mortgage Center
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: FSFG Leasing Corporation
Description: A Business Equipment Funding Specialist for Start-up New Businesses, FSFG has managed many millions of dollars in equipment lease
Description: The DAJV e.V. is an association of lawyers and law students that wants to contribute to a growth of the interest of German lawyers in U.S. law and vice versa
Keywords: Law, law, German-American, association, Jura, Amerika, Deutsch-Amerikanisch, Vereinigung, Juristen, lawyers, German, US, USA, Deutschland
Description: <I>Nasdaq Financial Executive Journal</I> is published quarterly by The Nasdaq Stock Market (SM) expressly for chief financial and investor relations officers of Nasdaq (R)-listed companies. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the position of The Nasdaq Stock Market. The
<I>Journal</I> aims to solicit views of responsible and prominent persons on all sides of major issues of concern to Nasdaq compay executives to provide a framework for decision making.<P>
Description: LBL WWW Home page, Resources, & Starting Points for Exploring WWW. The server currently gives access to information from various LBL projects, such as the Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics 1994 (CHEP), the LBL Imaging and Distributed Computing Group, the Comprehensive Epid
emiologic Data Project, the LBL Human Genome Center and several others. The server also gives access to online versions of the scientific articles from LBL's Research Review Magazine and from LBL's Computing Newsletter, among other LBL publications and documents. LBL will naturally include more in
formation in the future. Keywords: LBL, World Wide Web, Publications, Research
Title: LBL World Wide Web Home Page
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: <dv^z^lj,k a Kossuth Lajos Tudomßnyegyetem K^nyvtßrßban
Description: SvenskMud is a MUD where the world and all commands are written in Swedish (Swedish).
Keywords: Swedish, svenska, mud, SvenskMUD, svmud
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Fri, 25 Aug 95 22:13:22 +0200
Record-Last-Modified-Name: Svenska MUD
Title: SvenskMUD, ett mud pë svenska
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Evolution and the World Wide Web
Author-Name: Jim Richardson
Description: WWW seems to contain components which provide prerequisites for evolution, namely, variation, reproduction and selection (of URLs and/or documents). This seems likely to make WWW a remarkably effective medium for development, communication and selection -- that is, for the evolution o
f memes, methods, and ideas -- and for the emergence of interesting and useful complexity.
ALIWEB-Title: Sydney Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Handbook
Author-Name: Peter Buchen
Description: The Postgraduate Handbook describes the University of Sydney and the School of Mathematics and Statistics, then lists higher degrees, postgraduate courses, and entry qualifications. It list application procedures, then describes the School's research groups, their members, and their a
reas of interest. Fees, scholarships and other funding are discussed, and there is a section giving contact information.
Description: Webgen(tm) is a compiler that takes as input a file created by any database, and turns it into a collection of HTML documents. Documents are based on user-created templates so they can all be diffeernt and do not look like they came from a database.
Description: A musical feast, currently serving Beastie Boys, Grand Royal and Redd Kross. Breeders, Tracy Chapman, Steven Stills and others to come.
Keywords: music, beastie, boys, redd kross, rock, hip hop, rap, grand royal, mpeg, quicktime, gif
Title: Music Kitchen
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Beastie Boys
Description: The official Beastie Boys information source, including a complete discography, pictures, movies, rare audio clips and the Beastie Boys screen saver.
Keywords: music, beastie, boys, hip hop, rap, hardcore, x-large, grand royal, mpeg, quicktime, gif, Tibet, Milarepa
Description: Currently including: Metallica, Black Sabbath, Santana, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, and World Domination.
Keywords: World Domination, Pantera, Metallica, Lita Ford, Black Sabbath, Santana, Ozzy Osbourne, comic, comics, music, rock, rock and roll, publications, cartoon